If you are enjoying Scapegoat Cities, and would like to support the research that bring stories like these to light, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Densho and earmarking it for the Scholars Roundtable.

Densho preserves the history of Japanese American WWII incarceration with more than 900 oral history interviews, 50,000 digital photographs and historic documents, an extensive encyclopedia, and resources for teachers. All of this material is free to everyone thanks, in part, to generous donations. 

The Scholars Roundtable at Densho is a program that supports and connects scholars who are actively researching and publishing about the wartime removal and imprisonment of Japanese Americans.  It is only through careful, painstaking archival research that stories like those you're hearing on Scapegoat Cities come to light. Your donation will help expand our knowledge about this tragic wartime episode.

Visit https://www.densho.org/give/ to make a tax deductible financial contribution. Please remember to mention the Scholars Roundtable in making your donation.